Do YOU have what it takes to be your own boss?

Where do I begin?

If you can find something you love to do, you do it well, and you can make money doing it through being your own boss, you've found the sweet spot. That;s easier said then done, the challenges you may face are as follows:

  • How do i exit my current job?
  • Do I have enough funds/backing to set this up?
  • Do I have the motivation to make that leap?

For once, this is one of those articles where it's not just a case of me advising you what to do purely based on common sense and what I've heard, I've actually been there.... I've been in those uncomfortable shoes, so uncomfortable that it feels like you've ran back to back marathons and your feet have completely swollen up. Yes, those very uncomfortable shoes. Fortunately for you guys, I am here to say I've done it, I was in your position and now I feel better than I've ever felt before, and there really is a simple answer to all of your pain.... Franchising.

Franchising is a without doubt the easiest and stress less way of becoming your own boss. It's proven model that has worked time and time again, however, we do strongly advise that you do communicate with operating franchisees within the network to get their respective intake, and to just ensure the franchisor does deliver what they promised. A Franchisee is the Franchisors best selling tool, if the franchisor backs up what they initially state during franchise discovery meetings and franchise training then the franchisee should be singing their praises and be wanting you to also take advantage of this great opportunity. Franchisors know this and this is exactly why franchisees are running into 97% profitability.

In reality, you don't actually need to 'have what it takes' to be your own boss as franchising eliminates any uncertainty, it's a full proof model that has a track record of working and you're representing somebody else's brand within your own franchise territory, do you really think they'll want you to fail and tarnish their brands reputation? The same reputation that they've spent years and financial investment on? They want you to succeed as much as you want to succeed, and this is why there's a great deal of help to ensure you succeed together.

Unlike sole traders,, franchising is a concept where you can enter into the unknown, you don't need to operate within an industry that you know inside out, don't get me wrong, it helps but with franchising you'll be trained to the highest of standards by a team that have 'cracked' that sector. There will be ongoing franchise support services during your tenure to ensure they're constantly with you and help you along the way. The franchise team will help you put a business plan together and furthermore execute that plan. They will help you with finances, How much working capital do I require? How much will stock cost? When should I expect to make my first sale? Average sales? You're not walking into the unknown, this is a system that has worked so you should have a clear path ahead. The bonus is that you'll be your own boss, you can choose your hours, if you want to work harder (the more you work the more you earn) and this should be enough motivation in itself.

If you're currently employed, the only issue you should consider is how you drop the letter of resignation on your (last ever) employers desk. Apart from the funds and drive,, the franchisor is 'It', they are the ones that can provide you with a solid model to be your own boss.

Start today and have a look at the various franchise opportunities we have available on Franchise Supermarket.